Thursday, August 10, 2006

Long Thursday

A long day behind us, day started with sad news that Lisa has decided to leave the group and Thea was still sick, so we three left felt a bit amputated. The group has had a great energy and groove together, and without two of members the feeling was very different. Lisa, you're missed already so don't forget us totally.. or at least please comment on the blog as we progress! So, Jesper (also known as Jeppe two times today), Maria and I have been working on the ideas into concepts. First we had Carsten to help us out with interesting theories of groups, organisations and such, which got us going pretty fast.

We also found a new idol for the project, Willy Wonka
, but more of him tomorrow.

It's been a long long day, it's past ten and we are coming back tomorrow morning to finish the presentation. So, vi ses.

And here's the day's video:


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